
Top 5 Landlord Responsibilities You Might Not Know About

Being a council or social housing tenant can often feel like an uphill battle, with a seemingly endless stream of rules and regulations that can leave you feeling battered and let down by a system that’s supposed to help you. Something as simple as knowing the responsibilities of your landlord and their duty of care towards you can give you

The 4 Biggest Health Impacts of Mould

When mould accumulates in poorly ventilated or damp buildings it’s more than just an ugly reminder of the excess moisture finding its way into your home – in many cases it can make you sick. While it can affect anyone, young children and the elderly are particularly at risk. This is because they are not only more vulnerable health-wise in

6 Unbelievable Statistics About Living In Council or Social Housing

Living in social or council housing can be a struggle. It can be a struggle to get in due to the current UK housing crisis, with not enough affordable homes to go around for everyone that needs them. It can also be a struggle to keep your home in a safe and liveable condition in the face of landlords and